Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It’s ALL blooming!

This is a short post. Actually testing Windows Live Writer program. Had it on my computer and didn’t even know it!

In the yard… everything is in bloom. I have to take pictures this afternoon. I have coneflowers, zinnias, black-eyed susans, pin cushions, daylillies, etc. In the back yard, my tomato plants (all 3) are producing pretty tomatoes! The plants look a bit wilty like maybe aphids are taking over. I sprayed them a few days ago. Hope they can recover. Happens every year. But I’ll get a few good fruit at least. The cucumber vines are so pretty and full of blossoms. Need to dig deep to find some baby cukes. It’s not in the best location for harvesting. Since they are in a container and trellis, maybe I’ll find a place to move them.

Enough for now. I’ll post this and get pictures later. Anxious to see how it looks.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Backyard 2010 - What to plant?

I'm going plant shopping tomorrow. What am I going for in particular? I am not really sure.
Here's the first area to deal with.

Facts: Narrow space (maybe 2 feet deep), often damp, 6 hours of sun.
Want a focal point in the center or maybe 2 focal plants on either side. What doesn't show in this picture is that the bed widens on both sides and has plantings on each side.

Wonder how a fruit tree espadrille would do? Brown's did have them very cheap and small. Always have wanted to try that. Good location, I think. Would be a focal point.
Or maybe a purple grass? They don't get terribly big. 2 of them but still centered and just a little space in between.

Okay... I have some thoughts running.
Next spot:This is the front flower bed. As much as I would love to totally reshape this, I have to remember it's a rental house. Save my energy for my own home. For now, I'm just trying to make better what's already there. I've done an 80% redo in the backyard. Not doing it here. Although I've changed this bed a lot! I need some plants to go in front of the tree to the front edge.
I really like blue/purple this year. Love the tall salvias I've seen at Lowes and Home depot. Think Home Depot had the better ones. Just expensive. Maybe 3 layers of flowers with staggering heights. Hmmm. I really don't know.

Okay. Here's the other places.

Need something to go right in that middle spot there. ???

Time to dump the pansies. the heat has gotten to them. Need enough for 2 baskets of whatever I get.
Have 2 bare spots for this herb pot. I'm thinking seeds, but not sure with what.
I also have another herb pot that Mom gave me. Need plants for it, too. It has 4 holes. Would like something trailing in it, if I don't do herbs.

That's my plan for tomorrow. Think it might be too ambitious? I sort of think it is. But, it's a starting point. I always go plant shopping and come back with the wrong things. I lose focus and don't make decisions. Not tomorrow. I'm staying focused!! I WILL buy plants! or seeds... or get more ideas... oh no! I'm already losing focus.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

April (& May) Showers, bring beautiful flowers!

I've been so busy playing in the yard that I haven't stopped to take pictures or journal a thing! Just livin' in the moment!

What an absolute blessing my yard has been to me. It's the best divorce/starting over/learning to be old and single/finding myself therapy money can buy. And I truly believe it's all Biblical.

God says we reap what we sow. And, though I can't quote the exact scripture, He talks about the importance of working the land, working hard, not being lazy, and the importance of having a quiet time to get closer to Him. All of these things are directly part of gardening! I work hard to till the soil, add fertilizer and admendments to make sure my plants get off to a good start. Then I watch them every day to make sure they are doing well. I keep the harmful bugs off, treat them for fungus and rust if needed, fertilize and water them regularly. If I do my job right, I'm rewarded by beaufiful flowers and vegetables.

When I'm working in my flower beds, I'm not thinking about anything other than my plants. I'm not thinking about work. I'm not stressed over any personal issues. I'm just thinking about my plants. Yep. God knew what He was doing when he created beautiful plants and taught us to love and respect them.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Funny Onions

Here's a n unexpected onion experiment!
I moved some green onions into a long window box planter with the idea that green onions don't need much depth to grow. Well, here's what happened.
The long, normal looking onion was pulled from my big, deep container of onions. The short, stubby onions, with the VERY long roots were from the window box planter. These onions have been growing for about a year.

Very Interesting!

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's March! Hooray!

Sure couldn't tell it yesterday, but March is finally here. I am so glad. That means a few more weeks and Spring will officially arrive. Well, at least on the calendar. But although we had snow yesterday, we'll have warm, sunny 70+degree weather later this week and the weekend. Hooray! And yes, the snow is all gone. It snowed steady for several hours. The pic on the right was taken early. Before it quit snowing, all the plants were pretty much covered. Once the sun came out, it was gone within an hour.

Hard to imagine these bare little beds having pretty flowers in them, but they will soon.

I know. You folks up north are laughing at our little dusting of snow. But for Alabama, this is a big deal! We broke out everything and anything we could find to slide down the hills. I watched college students sliding on trash can lids, cookie sheets, shower curtains, boxes, clothes baskets, and plastic storage bins. It was hilarious!

I planted some seeds indoors a few weeks ago. They came up pretty well, but I have very poor lighting in my house, so they are long and scragly. If I try that again, I MUST invest in a light for them. Better to wait on warmer weather and plant outside. I'm learning.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The Backyard

Here's the backyard with lots of changes already made. Should have taken pictures prior, but didn't. We have removed several beds and planted grass in it's place.
My little veggie garden! Small, but it's a start. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.


The Backyard

Back right corner bed.

Here's the Nandena moved from the left corner. I was able to plant the one, but not the other, so I stuck it in a pot until my son can plant it for me. The ground was hard with layers of shale. Hoping to plant these along the fence to deter the dogs from barking at each other.

All kinds of weird things coming up in the bed.

Left Corner Flower Bed

Things are looking good. Slowly but surely. However, the hydrangeas I think are getting too much sun. They really need some shade. Hmmm.. The Hostas, as well. Maybe I should rearrange again.

Middle Bed

Not much here except the wierd tree. Some garlic came up, but hasn't done much. It doesn't get any sun. I set a few potted plants out just testing the shade/sun combo. The red mulch is pretty! And the new grass is SO pretty!

The Front Yard

Coming up nicely. I have never had Hollyhocs before, so I have much to learn about caring for them. They are my favorites. I just love them. And so do the bees and butterflies!