Tuesday, May 12, 2009

April (& May) Showers, bring beautiful flowers!

I've been so busy playing in the yard that I haven't stopped to take pictures or journal a thing! Just livin' in the moment!

What an absolute blessing my yard has been to me. It's the best divorce/starting over/learning to be old and single/finding myself therapy money can buy. And I truly believe it's all Biblical.

God says we reap what we sow. And, though I can't quote the exact scripture, He talks about the importance of working the land, working hard, not being lazy, and the importance of having a quiet time to get closer to Him. All of these things are directly part of gardening! I work hard to till the soil, add fertilizer and admendments to make sure my plants get off to a good start. Then I watch them every day to make sure they are doing well. I keep the harmful bugs off, treat them for fungus and rust if needed, fertilize and water them regularly. If I do my job right, I'm rewarded by beaufiful flowers and vegetables.

When I'm working in my flower beds, I'm not thinking about anything other than my plants. I'm not thinking about work. I'm not stressed over any personal issues. I'm just thinking about my plants. Yep. God knew what He was doing when he created beautiful plants and taught us to love and respect them.