Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The Backyard

Here's the backyard with lots of changes already made. Should have taken pictures prior, but didn't. We have removed several beds and planted grass in it's place.
My little veggie garden! Small, but it's a start. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.


The Backyard

Back right corner bed.

Here's the Nandena moved from the left corner. I was able to plant the one, but not the other, so I stuck it in a pot until my son can plant it for me. The ground was hard with layers of shale. Hoping to plant these along the fence to deter the dogs from barking at each other.

All kinds of weird things coming up in the bed.

Left Corner Flower Bed

Things are looking good. Slowly but surely. However, the hydrangeas I think are getting too much sun. They really need some shade. Hmmm.. The Hostas, as well. Maybe I should rearrange again.

Middle Bed

Not much here except the wierd tree. Some garlic came up, but hasn't done much. It doesn't get any sun. I set a few potted plants out just testing the shade/sun combo. The red mulch is pretty! And the new grass is SO pretty!

The Front Yard

Coming up nicely. I have never had Hollyhocs before, so I have much to learn about caring for them. They are my favorites. I just love them. And so do the bees and butterflies!